Ledine Commerce d.o.o. je tvrtka za prijevoz putnika u cestovnom prometu. Sjedište tvrtke je Donji Dolac 45, 21204 Donji Dolac, Hrvatska. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. je upisana 1996 g. u Trgovački sud u Splitu, a temeljni kapital 20.000,00 kn je uplaćen u cijelosti. Osoba ovlaštena za zastupljanje je Siniša Ravlić.

OIB: 93149855069

MB: 00459682

IBAN: HR6223400091110856305



MOB: +38598559928

E-MAIL: bruno.stazic@gmail.com

WEB: www.dalmatiatransfers.com



„Putnik“ je osoba koja naručuje usluge prijevoza Ledine Commerce d.o.o. putem internet stranice. Mora imati najmanje 18 godina. Preuzima odgovornost za ispravno i potpuno ispunjenje podataka tijekom rezervacije usluge prijevoza. Odgovoran je za plaćanje cjelokupnog iznosa izvršene usluge prijevoza. Dužan je u cijelosti i točno izvijestiti sve putnike o svim uslugama prijevoza ili eventualnim promjenama. Osoba je čije ime je navedeno u obrascu za rezervaciju. Putnik koji unese podatke ispred grupe prihvaća Opće uvjete u ime ostalih putnika.

„Usluga prijevoza“ je rezervirani transfer između početne i završne lokacije. Usluga se može nadopunjavati preko internet stranice, a na račun putnika.

„Partner“ je pružatelj usluga prijevoza kojeg Ledine Commerce d.o.o. može angažirati u slučaju nemogućnosti pružanja usluge prijevoza. Naši partneri su registrirani za prijevoz putnika te posjeduju sve potrebne dozvole za obavljanje usluge prijevoza.

„Potvrda“ je dokument koji potvrđuje rezervaciju. Potvrda sadrži sve podatke navedene u obrascu za rezervaciju.



Prije nego što zatraže uslugu koja se nudi preko internet stranice, putnici se trebaju uvjeriti da su pročitali i razumjeli Opće uvjete. Ako putnici ne razumiju Opće uvjete, tada preporučujemo da nas kontaktirate putem e-mail adrese: bruno.stazic@gmail.com.



Rezervaciju koju putnik izvrši najmanje 48 sati prije termina transfera prijevoznik se obvezuje izvršiti. Za rezervacije koje su unutar 48 sati od transfera prijevoznik se ne obvezuje, već postupa sukladno mogućnostima. Putnik ispunjava sve potrebne podatke koji se nalaze na internet stranici te je odgovoran za njihovu valjanost. Tada se prijevoznik obvezuje izdati potvrdu o rezervaciji u najkraćem roku. Po primitku potvrde putnik je dužan provjeriti točnost svih podataka, a za eventualne greške kontaktirati prijevoznika putem e-maila. Rezervacija je potvrđena kada putnik dobije potvrdu od prijevoznika. Putnicima se preporučuje da potvrdu drže sa sobom za vrijeme putovanja. Potvrdu su dužni pokazati vozaču prije ulaska u vozilo.



5.1. DJEČJE AUTOSJEDALICE (0-5) i BOOSTER (5-12) dostupne su na zahtjev putnika te su prilagođene dobi djeteta navedeno u obrascu za rezervaciju.

5.2. PRTLJAGA kod putnika je ograničena. Svaki putnik može ponijeti 1 standardni kofer 158 cm (zbroj dužine,širine i visine) te 1 ručnu torbu. Putnik je dužan dati točne podatke o dodatnoj prtljazi u obrascu za rezervaciju. Dodatna prtljaga se dodatno naplaćuje, a cijene su navedene u obrascu za rezervaciju. Vozač nije dužan prevesti prtljagu koja nije prijavljena u rezervaciji ako u vozilu nema dovoljno mjesta. Vozač nije odgovoran za sadržaj prtljage. Prijevoznik ne odgovara za gubitak ili oštećenje prtljage jer se prijevoz stvari obavlja isključivo na rizik putnika, osim u slučaju nezgode. Tada se koristi polica osiguranja od strane prijevoznika.



6.1. PUTNIČKO VOZILO koje putnik odabere preko internet stranice se osigurava za privatni transfer. Prijevoznik se obvezuje da vozila ispunjavaju uvjete predviđene zakonom RH za djelatnost prijevoza putnika. Vozila moraju biti tehnički ispravna, čista i uredna te sadržavati svu potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoznik se obavezuje da osigurava putniku vozilo koje je rezervirao.

6.2. VOZAČ je profesionalna osoba koja posjeduje potrebne licencije potrebne za obavljanje prijevoza putnika. Vozač je dužan voditi brigu o sigurnosti putnika. Mora biti uredan, ljubazan i pomoći oko prtljage.

6.3. NATPIS je tabla/oznaka/ekran s imenom ili nazivom putnika kojim ga vozač čeka u zračnoj luci.

6.4. VRIJEME ČEKANJA u zračnoj luci je predviđeno 60 minuta nakon slijetanja aviona, odnosno 15 minuta za sva ostala mjesta polaska. Dodatno čekanje naplaćuje se po započetom satu od trenutka isteka besplatnog čekanja prema cjeniku. U slučaju da avion kasni prijevoznik se obvezuje da prati vrijeme dolaska i osigura putniku prijevoz, a sve na teret prijevoznika. Putnik je dužan kontaktirati vozača ili prijevoznika ako postoji bilo kakav problem koji ga spriječava da stigne na mjesto sastanka i obrnuto.

6.5. VRIJEME PAUZE na kratkim transferima, a ne dužim od 1 sata nije dozvoljeno te se dodatno naplaćuju u slučaju zaustavljanja. Transferi koji traju od 1 do 2 sata vožnje imaju pravo na pauzu od 15 minuta. Transferi iznad 2 sata vožnje imaju pravo na minimalnu pauzu od 30 minuta.

6.6. NEPREDVIĐENE OKOLNOSTI za koje prijevoznik ne preuzima odgovornost, a u slučaju zakašnjenja na avion jesu prometne gužve, radovi na cesti, sudari, vremenske neprilike, katastrofe, terorizam i sl. Za kašnjenje vozača prijevoznik preuzima odgovornost.

6.7. PLAĆANJE transfera je u gotovini nakon završetka transfera. Prijevoznik je dužan dati putniku račun, a putnik je dužan vozaču platiti.

6.8. PROMJENE u vezi transfera su moguće, a putnik ih mora poslati u pisanom obliku putem e-maila.

6.9. OTKAZIVANJE TRANSFERA putnik može zatražiti i u pisanom obliku poslati na e-mail. Otkazivanje transfera se ne naplaćuje.



Svi prigovori vezano uz određenu uslugu prijevoza moraju se poslati u pisanom obliku na e-mail adresu bruno.stazic@gmail.com, a najkasnije 28 dana nakon izvršene usluge. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. će odgovoriti na svaki prigovor čim primimo elevantne dokaze i izvješća vozača. Ukoliko putnik ima pravo na povrat novca, isti bi trebao biti obrađen u roku od 45 dana. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. neće uzeti u obzir bilo kakav usmeni dogovor između putnika i vozača. Usmeni dogovori moraju se naknadno potvrditi u pisanom obliku putem e-maila inače se neće smatrati valjanim.



8.1. Vozač mora biti na mjestu polaska u dogovoreno vrijeme. Ako vozač slučajno zakasni do 15 minuta zbog veće sile dobit ćete obavijest putem SMS-a ili e-maila.

8.2. Osobni podaci koje nam putnik daje prilikom rezervacije, kao i ostala komunikacija podliježe našoj Politici privatnosti i neće se koristiti u bilo koju svrhu koja nije potrebna za obradu naručene usluge. Obrada osobnih podataka odvijat će se isključivo u Republici Hrvatskoj, inače članici EU, a odvijat će se u skladu s odredbama primjenjivih zakona o zaštiti osobnih podataka.

8.3. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. osigurava da su svi zahtjevi za ostvarivanje prava prema odredbama GDPR-a.

8.4. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. zadržava pravo da kontaktira putnika putem telefona na broj koji je putnik unijeo u obrascu za rezervaciju, a u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete iste te rezervacije.

8.5. Ledine Commerce d.o.o zadržava pravo uskratiti uslugu prijevoza putnicima ako isti ti putnici ugrožavaju sigurnost ili se nedolično ponašaju u vožnji. Ako bilo koji putnik razbije ili ošteti bilo što tijekom usluge prijevoza ili ako putnikovo ponašanje zahtijeva nepredviđeno čišćenje, smatrat ćemo putnika odgovornim za naknadu štete u skladu sa izvješćima o šteti.



Ledine Commerce d.o.o. is a passenger transport company. The company's residence is Donji Dolac 45, 21204 Donji Dolac, Croatia. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. was registered in 1996 in the Commercial Court in Split, and the share capital of HRK 20,000.00 was paid in full. The person authorized to represent is Siniša Ravlić.

OIB: 93149855069

MB: 00459682

IBAN: HR6223400091110856305



MOB: +38598559928

E-MAIL: bruno.stazic@gmail.com

WEB: www.dalmatiatransfers.com



"Passenger" is a person who orders transportation services Ledine Commerce d.o.o. via the website. Must be at least 18 years old. Takes responsibility for the correct and complete completion of data during the reservation of the transport service. He is responsible for paying the full amount of the performed transport service. He is obliged to inform all passengers in full and accurately about all transport services or any changes. The person whose name is listed on the booking form. The passenger who enters data in front of the group accepts the General Terms and Conditions on behalf of other passengers.

"Transport service" is a reserved transfer between the start and end location. The service can be topped up via the website, and at the expense of the passenger.

"Partner" is a transport service provider that Ledine Commerce d.o.o. may engage in case of inability to provide transportation services. Our partners are registered for passenger transport and have all the necessary permits to perform the transport service.

"Confirmation" is a document that confirms the reservation. The certificate contains all the information listed in the booking form.



Before requesting a service offered through the website, travelers should make sure that they have read and understood the General Terms and Conditions. If passengers do not understand the General Terms and Conditions, then we recommend that you contact us via e-mail: bruno.stazic@gmail.com.



The reservation made by the passenger at least 48 hours before the transfer date is obliged to be made by the carrier. For reservations that are within 48 hours of the transfer, the carrier is not obliged, but acts in accordance with the possibilities. The passenger fills in all the necessary information on the website and is responsible for its validity. The carrier then undertakes to issue a booking confirmation as soon as possible. Upon receipt of the confirmation, the passenger is obliged to check the accuracy of all data, and for any errors contact the carrier by e-mail. The reservation is confirmed when the passenger receives confirmation from the carrier. Passengers are advised to keep the certificate with them during the trip. They are obliged to show the certificate to the driver before entering the vehicle.



5.1. CHILDREN'S CAR SEATS (0-5) and BOOSTER (5-12) are available at the request of passengers and are adapted to the age of the child specified in the reservation form.

5.2. LUGGAGE for passengers is limited. Each passenger can carry 1 standard suitcase 158 cm (sum of length, width and height) and 1 handbag. The passenger is obliged to provide accurate information about additional luggage in the reservation form. Extra luggage is charged extra and prices are listed on the booking form. The driver is not obliged to carry luggage that is not reported in the reservation if there is not enough space in the vehicle. The driver is not responsible for the contents of the luggage. The carrier is not responsible for the loss or damage of luggage because the transport of goods is carried out exclusively at the risk of passengers, except in case of accident. The insurance policy is then used by the carrier.



6.1. A PASSENGER VEHICLE selected by the passenger via the website is insured for private transfer. The carrier undertakes that the vehicles meet the conditions provided by the law of the Republic of Croatia for the activity of passenger transport. Vehicles must be technically correct, clean and tidy and contain all the necessary documentation. The carrier undertakes to provide the passenger with the vehicle he has booked.

6.2. DRIVER is a professional person who has the necessary licenses to perform passenger transport. The driver is obliged to take care of the safety of passengers. He has to be neat, kind and help with luggage.

6.3. INSCRIPTIONS is a board / sign / screen with the name or the name of the passenger with whom the driver is waiting for him at the airport.

6.4. WAITING TIME at the airport is 60 minutes after the landing of the aircraft, or 15 minutes for all other departure points. Additional waiting is charged per started hour from the moment of expiration of free waiting according to the price list. In case the plane is late, the carrier undertakes to monitor the time of arrival and provide the passenger with transport, all at the expense of the carrier. The passenger is obliged to contact the driver or carrier if there is any problem that prevents him from arriving at the meeting place and vice versa.

6.5. BREAK TIME on short transfers, not longer than 1 hour is not allowed and is charged extra in case of stopping. Transfers lasting 1 to 2 hours are entitled to a 15-minute break. Transfers over 2 hours drive are entitled to a minimum break of 30 minutes.

6.6. UNCONTENDED CIRCUMSTANCES for which the carrier does not take responsibility, and in case of delay on the plane are traffic jams, road works, collisions, bad weather, disasters, terrorism, etc. The carrier takes responsibility for the delay of the driver.

6.7. PAYMENT of the transfer is in cash after the transfer is completed. The carrier is obliged to give the passenger an invoice, and the passenger is obliged to pay the driver.

6.8. CHANGES regarding the transfer are possible, and the traveler must send them in writing by e-mail.

6.9. CANCELLATION CANCELLATION can be requested by the passenger and sent in writing to e-mail. Cancellation is free of charge.



All complaints regarding a particular transport service must be sent in writing to the e-mail address bruno.stazic@gmail.com, and no later than 28 days after the service. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. will respond to any complaint as soon as we receive relevant evidence and driver reports. If the passenger is entitled to a refund, it should be processed within 45 days. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. will not take into account any verbal agreement between the passenger and the driver. Oral agreements must be subsequently confirmed in writing by e-mail otherwise they will not be considered valid.



8.1. The driver must be at the place of departure at the agreed time. If the driver happens to be up to 15 minutes late due to force majeure, you will receive a notification via SMS or e-mail.

8.2. Personal data provided by the traveler when booking, as well as other communication is subject to our Privacy Policy and will not be used for any purpose not required to process the ordered service. The processing of personal data will take place exclusively in the Republic of Croatia, otherwise a member of the EU, and will take place in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws on personal data protection.

8.3. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. ensures that all claims for entitlement are in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

8.4. Ledine Commerce d.o.o. reserves the right to contact the passenger by phone at the number entered by the passenger in the reservation form, in order to improve the quality of the same reservation.

8.5. Ledine Commerce d.o.o reserves the right to deny the service of transport to passengers if these same passengers endanger safety or behave inappropriately while driving. If any passenger breaks or damages anything during the transport service or if the passenger's behavior requires unforeseen cleaning, we will hold the passenger liable for damages in accordance with the damage reports.

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